Women of the Woods

Program Details

Hey ladies!  We've been feeling inspired to create a space for women to connect with one another in the outdoors and share knowledge, skills and community. We've heard so many of you saying that you wish that you could be having adventures in the woods (like your kids) so we are creating that space!

We envision this to be a fun and inclusive monthly meet up where moms and women can connect with and inspire one another and fill each others cups through community, skill sharing, and collective interests while spending time connecting with nature. We plan to do some hiking and chatting to start and then collaboratively working on projects and learning new skills for self- empowerment. 

All women are welcome! Whether you have kids or not, or are a grandparent - we hope to include women at any stage of life. Of course, your kids do not have to be enrolled in our programs either. We encourage you to carve out this time to yourself if you're able to leave your kids at home or with someone, but we understand that is not possible for everyone so please don't let that deter you! - children are welcome.  

We have put together a few ideas for skills that we have to share but would love to hear what you're interested in learning and what skills you'd like to share as well.  Again, our intention is for this to be a collective space for learning and teaching and growth. Most of the time we would only charge if materials are needed (the cost will be $5 per person generally) but if we have a guest expert some week, we might have to charge more for that meet up.

Please fill out the below registration so we can gain a better understanding of interest, and soon we will be putting together a schedule for the coming months. 

Looking forward to connecting with you all out in in the woods!

Click on the dates below to sign up for one of our events!


1.25.2025- Cross-Country Skiing at Independence Oaks

2.15.25- Galentine's Hike