Friend of the Woods Policies
Registration, Deposits, and Payments
Cedar Group
Registration: Families will complete our online registration form. We will then contact them to confirm and share relevant information regarding our program, as well as if we have openings for their desired day(s) or if they will be put on the waitlist. Families will complete and sign a liability waiver, emergency contact form, and all about me form, which MUST be turned in prior to their child’s first day.
Deposits: Families will send a ‘last month’s payment’ deposit to Friend of the Woods in the amount of 1 month’s full payment. This will go towards their last month’s session, and ensure their spot is held in our program until they officially begin attendance.
Payments: Monthly payments will be decided based on each family’s total household income. This payment will be due on/by the 1st of each month during the program year (September-May). This will be sent either electronically (venmo) or by cash/check.
Family Events
Registration: Families will complete our online registration form prior to each family Friday event. Each family will need to have a signed liability waiver on file, and an emergency contact form completed.
Payments: Families will complete a payment of $10 either electronically or by cash or check prior to, or on the day of, each Friday event.
Pine Group (OVA)
Registration: Families must FIRST register their child with the Oxford Virtual Academy program ( Families will then complete our online registration form to register for our specific program. We will then contact them to confirm and share relevant information regarding the OVA program they have registered for. Families will complete and sign a liability waiver, emergency contact form, and all about me form, which MUST be turned in prior to their child’s first day.
Summer Camps
Registration: Families will complete our online registration form. We will then contact them to confirm and share relevant information regarding the summer camp program they have registered for. Families will complete and sign a liability waiver, and emergency contact form, which MUST be turned in prior to their child’s first day at summer camp.
Deposit/Payments: Families will send their summer camp payment in full. This is due up to 1 month prior to their child(s) first day at summer camp. Spots will be held AFTER families submit their payment in full.
Cancellations, Refunds, Pausing, and Withdrawal from Program
Cedar Group
Cancellation/Refunds: If a family decides that they do not wish their child to join our Cedar Program for any reason, they will receive a refund for their deposit as follows:
Up to 1 month before start date - FULL refund of deposit
Up to 1 week before start date - 50% refund of deposit
Day of cancellation - No refund of deposit
Pausing: If for any reason, a family wishes or needs to pause their child’s attendance at our program, they must provide this IN WRITING (either email or text) with a minimum of 1 month’s notice. If this is done after 1 month, they will be required to still pay for that month’s attendance regardless of if their child will be attending or not. Their child’s spot will be held if there is no current waitlist. If there is a waitlist, their spot will be held for up to 2 month’s time, before requiring payment.
Withdrawals: If for any reason, a family wishes or needs to withdraw from our program, they must provide this IN WRITING (either email or text) with a minimum of 1 month’s notice. If this is done after 1 month, they will be required to still pay for that month’s attendance regardless of if their child will be attending or not.
Summer Camp & Family Events
Cancellation/Refunds: If a family decides that they do not wish their child to join a Summer Camp Session for any reason, they will receive a refund for their deposit as follows:
Up to 1 month before start date - FULL refund of deposit
Up to 1 week before start date - 50% refund of deposit
Day of cancellation - No refund of deposit
Withdrawals: If for any reason a family decides to withdraw their child from one of our Summer Camp programs, they will not receive a refund for their payment.
Sickness, Missed Days, and Weather/Program Cancellations
Cedar Group
Sickness or Missed Days: If for any reason, a child misses a scheduled day of our program, they may make up the day by attending any other session available (even if they do not usually attend that day).
Weather/Program Cancellations: If for any reason, Friend of the Woods must cancel a session, We will do our best to offer a make-up day(s) to attend before the end of the year.
Summer Camp
Sickness or Missed Days: If for any reason, a child misses a scheduled day of Summer Camp, we will generally not be able to provide a make-up day. If for any reason a child misses the entire week of a Summer Camp Program, we will try our best to re-assign them to another Summer Camp week (if openings are available). This will be determined on a case-by-case basis and if no other openings are available a partial refund of payment may be discussed.
Weather/Program Cancellations: If for any reason Friend of the Woods must cancel a Summer Camp session or sessions, we will do our best to provide an alternative make-up date for kids to attend.
Pine Group (OVA)
Sickness or Missed Days: If for any reason, a child misses a scheduled day of our Pine Group Program, families will be expected to let us know via email, text or call. There will not be a make-up session provided.
Weather/Program Cancellations: If for any reason Friend of the Woods must cancel a Pine Group Program session, we will do our best to provide an alternative make-up date for kids to attend.
Families may register for any of our programs at any time. If a program is full, that child will be placed on a waitlist. We will contact families in order of the date of registration as spots open up for our program. When we contact you, a deposit will be required to ensure that child’s spot in our program until they officially begin attending our program.